Having met at Devonshire Green, nearly six thousand protestors marched to Barker’s Pool to support the various unions currently on strike – and to protest the plans of the Tory government to further curtail the right to strike.
Sheffield Left member and Trades Council Secretary Martin Mayer ably chaired the rally, announcing that, “I haven’t seen this many people on a protest in a very long time!” The militant and noisy crowd applauded speakers from the Public and Civil Servants Union (PCS), the National Union of Education (NEU), the University and College Union (UCU), train drivers belonging to ASLEF and Chris Peace from the Justice for Orgreave Campaign. The biggest cheers however were reserved for the hundreds of teachers present – many of whom were on strike for the first time ever that day.
A great, militant day of action. Sheffield Left distributed over 500 copies of its latest leaflet, which you can download in PDF format here.