Britain’s complicity in the Holocaust
Thursday 15th September, 7.30pm until 9.30pm
Venue: Sheffield Foodhall, 62 Brown Street S1 2BS
Speaker: John Smith – Award-winning author of ‘Imperialism in the twenty-first century’
Britain’s complicity in the Holocaust
Thursday 15th September, 7.30pm until 9.30pm
Venue: Sheffield Foodhall, 62 Brown Street S1 2BS
Speaker: John Smith – Award-winning author of ‘Imperialism in the twenty-first century’
Sheffield Left recommends to supporters that they sign up to this initiative.
An edited version of a speech given by John Smith on behalf of Sheffield Left to the Solidarity Knows No Borders protest in Sheffield on June 18
Sheffield Left was out today (May 23 2022) at Sheffield train station leafletting the public in support of the RMT
Sheffield Left participated in, and spoke at, the demonstration of solidarity with the Kurdish people, who have suffered political repression and military atrocities at the hands of the Turkish state for many…
Sheffield Left launched on May 1 2022, International Worker’s Day, as a new political home for those who want to pursue socialist answers to the problems created by capitalism. It replaces Sheffield Labour…
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