Sheffield Left launched on May 1 2022, International Worker’s Day, as a new political home for those who want to pursue socialist answers to the problems created by capitalism.
It replaces Sheffield Labour Left that has been organising within the Labour Party locally since 2017. Sheffield Left recognises that, while some will still seek socialism through the Labour Party, for many that is no longer a political solution.
Convenor Lee Rock commented:
“Following the resignation of Jeremy Corbyn and others in the leadership of the Labour Party, for many people who share the ideal of solidarity with the working class there is no obvious political home in the current political landscape.
“Sheffield Left offers that home and looks to support those in struggle – locally in Sheffield , nationally against the Tories and internationally in places such as Palestine.
“We support the principle of public ownership and control over private profit which was encapsulated in the policies presented by Corbyn in his time as Labour leader.
“This is not a Corbyn fan club looking to turn back the clock but a progressive banner for those wanting, as a minimum, a living wage for workers such as those in the gig economy, fair rents on housing and a welfare system to help those least able to help themselves.”
Sheffield Left is seeking to support any group in Sheffield in conflict with employers, landlords or government exploiting their elite position of power putting profit before people.